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Language Translation

Updated July 8th, 2023

Current Language Status

Google Translate Icon

SteadyMouse is constantly adding support for new languages. You can see what is presently supported and what is upcoming below. Additionally, the language files are available for download here if you prefer to install one manually now rather than wait for the next release to come out.

Right click, and select "Save link as" to download a language XML file.

Making a Language File

WARNING: Translation for software is no "walk in the park". If you're up for the challenge, your help is appreciated and the steps are below.

  • Before you start, check the Current Language Status section above to make sure the translation for your desired language is not already in progress. There you can see what translations are being prepared for the next release.
  • First, you'll need a UTF-8 capable text editor. I really like the free Notepad++ if you need one.
  • Right click and download language_english.xml (This file always is from the latest version of SteadyMouse)
  • Rename the file to "language_<your language goes here>.xml"
  • Open the file in Notepad++:
  • You'll only be modifying fields like those highlighted in red in the picture above (click for full size).
  • Follow the instructions in the comments to set:
    • <language_name>
    • <language_name_vernacular>
    • <language_code_iso639_1>
    • <region_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2>
  • Translate each of the strings. These have the format:
    • <string lookup_id="1001">TEXT TO TRANSLATE</string>
  • For context of where an XML string shows up in the GUI use the Quick Reference here
  • Within some of the strings you will occasionally see special symbols such as:
    • [NEWLINE]
    • %.1f
    • %0.2f
    • %d
    • %s

  • When you see those symbols, simply leave them be. They get automatically replaced by the software with line-breaks, numbers, and short words. The order of these symbols must be preserved within each string. Simply translate around them.
  • Within translated strings avoid use of these symbols: &, <, >
  • Brevity will be important. Shorter is better. Try to keep overall length of each translated string under 130% of the length of the English version. This is so the strings have room to fit in the GUI.
  • Save and email the new file to and it will be included in the next update.

Testing a Language File

SteadyMouse 2 or later should be installed prior to testing out a language file. Additionally, make sure it's updated to the latest version by checking for updates!

  • Place a copy of your new language xml file into the installation folder at "C:\Program Files (x86)\SteadyMouse"
  • Next, quit SteadyMouse (if it isn't already)
  • System Tray Quit
  • Now double click the desktop icon to re-start SteadyMouse. It will freshly scan for and find the new language file.
  • Open the language selection dialog from the tray menu:
  • You should now see the new language as a selectable option in the pop-up dialog
  • Select the desired language and click OK.
Some Recommended Tests:
  • Navigate through all of the GUI windows, controls, and info bubbles to verify things look correct and that no text was so long that it gets cut off.
  • To force SteadyMouse to show some of the "first time running" messages, exit SteadyMouse and follow the steps here to edit the settings file. Change <is_first_time>false</is_first_time> to <is_first_time>true</is_first_time>. Then re-launch.
  • If any text turns out to be problematic (too long, grammer, spelling, etc.) simply quit SteadyMouse, and make further edits to the language file.
  • Once you are happy with the look email the new file to and it will be included in the next update.